Flaneur Magazine: Urban Vivisection Every Now and Then
Published irregularly and difficult to find, Flaneur Magazine focuses each time on a small microcosm to tell universal stories with a refined visual and literary approach. The pleasure of street-by-street exploration must be savored slowly.
The First Few Covers of the Magazine – Photo Courtesy: Flaneur Magazine
[…] This city is an accumulation of completely unrelated artifacts. We delve into their beauty and try to reorder them anew. In this land of our time, the logic of the linear is replaced by the logic of fragments, the desire for fragments. The beyond begins here, the absolute deceleration, our own lack of knowledge as the only indicator of existence.
Well, artistic ambitions aside, vivisecting a street every now and then seems like a good idea to keep your adventurous spirit alive in times of noise and frenzy.